Sunday, November 9, 2008

Really Simple Syndication Under Review

I signed up on Bloglines and found 16 feeds that I thought I would be interested in daily. I liked RRS aggregator because it allows the sources that you are interested in to come to you. The information that I subscribed to is updated daily and the latest information is being sent to you. I love sports and thought it was so incredible that I could see news as quick as a couple clicks. I also like how it updates the blog based on the topic of choice. The ability to expand the tab so that you can see all the blogs or just a folder with them inside it makes it user friendly. Another nice benefit about subscribing is that you can delete the subscription whenever you want. I like this feature because sometimes you might think a topic will have what you are looking for and you find out that it does not. Finally, it is easy to subscribe to a blog you like which makes using Bloglines a great RSS aggregator.

I hate to name the negatives of things, but the Bloglines was not as easy to use as I thought it would be. This made it challenging for me because I was subscribing to websites that I was interested it and was not ready for all the information at once. I have been checking my categories that I chose and it has been wonderful to use and greatly appreciated.