Sunday, November 16, 2008


I chose to use Flickr to upload my photos. I decided to upload a variety of photos that represent my family, friends, my girlfriend, vacations, art work, and my classroom. This would be a great way to share photos with parents of our classroom parties. The parents would be able to log on and view all the activities that are happening in our classroom. Go to and see what you think of my pictures.

Delicious - Tchropka's Bookmarks

I chose to use Delicious bookmarking, to bookmark sites that would benefit students, teachers, parents, and myself. It is very convenient to bookmark all the sites that I use daily because it saves time. There are websites that my students could use during computer class by just clicking on my URL link to Delicious. I found great interactive sites for my students to use to improve and practice their skills in different content areas. I also looked for sites that provided teachers and parents with free resources. I am excited that I was able to bookmark all these great resources, so check them out and hopefully you find something useful.