Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Education Wiki Contribution

Mr. Monson's Grade 5 Classroom is trying to complete a project called, Thousands Project October 2008. This project is designed for people to respond to the question of the month. This month’s question is Things We Do to Reduce Trash Waste at School, Home or Work. I was able to contribute ten things that I do at home and school to reduce waste. The goal is for his classroom to reach 1,000 entries by end of each month. I thought this was a great activity for his students' and him to create on wikispaces.


Laura Ann said...

You're right. This is a great idea for 5th graders. I love the fact that the students are coming up with new questions every month so they can cover a wide range of ideas. It's a simple question for people to answer, and I'm sure the students are learning are learning creative ways to help reduce waste. I haven't done my wiki assignment yet, but your post has made me more motivated to check it out. Thanks!

StephE said...

Travis --

Where did you find a wiki like that? It seems like that is something where another voice is appreciated. For the teacher, utilizing wikispaces is a great idea. How did you come across this wiki? Also, how many entries did they have so far? Enjoyable post; made me curious!
